An Early Christmas Fair from Mawnan WI

Christmas started early when Mawnan WI held its sixth Christmas Gift Fair last Saturday. As visitors walked in to the decorated Memorial Hall, they were greeted by the sight of   the stalls festooned with seasonal lights and a fair sprinkling of Christmas jumpers. The event showcased the work of local artisans who were selling a […]

Christmas Shopping with Poppy Treffry

Poppy Treffry is one of CFWI’s favourite designers. Join her and friends for a Big Christmas Sale at the Poppy Treffry Studio on 7th and 8th December (11am-4pm). You’ll be able to browse gift ideas from Poppy herself, as well as ceramics by Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Joan Sutcliffe Jewellery, quirky gifts from The Black Rabbit, Freya […]

Godolphin WI Members Hit Their Target

Godolphin WI members have completed their challenge to knit or crochet 100 twiddle muffs by the end of 2019. The challenge was developed to mark the centenary of CFWI. Godolphin WI members are not afraid of a challenge so they all got their needles clicking. With encouragement from WI members Anne Gray and Janet Buckley, […]

A Busy October for Coads Green WI

October was a busy month for Coads Green WI, starting on the 19th, when a cream tea was held in aid of the Heli-appeal for the Cornwall Air Ambulance, raising a total of £256. This was followed by a trip to Charlie Bears in Launceston the following week, where members were given afternoon tea, a […]

Thank You from ACWW!

We received a lovely thank you letter from ACWW (Associated Countrywomen of the World) for the funds our WI members collected this year. Through your wonderful efforts, we raised £2,492.65 which will go toward the Sustainable Agriculture, Training and Development Fund supporting women through small-scale, women-led projects around the world. Whether your WI puts out […]

An Apple a Day?

Mylor and Flushing Mermaids have been very busy – making cider! The first meeting of the newly formed Cider Club took place recently at the Cutting Patch in Mylor. There was lots of washing, chopping and mashing and the new “scratter machine” made quick work of grinding the apples into a pulp before the pressing […]

WI Members Hit the Catwalk

CFWI held a wonderful fashion show at Carnon Downs Garden Centre last Wednesday. We had a full house, with over 100 WI members in attendance! The models gamely strutted their stuff wearing fashions from Cotton Traders and The Edinburgh Woollen Mill. The audience saw everything from casual wear to more dressy outfits to eveningwear, and […]