The WI at COP26

As you know, the UK government is hosting COP26 which started this week. It has been called the world’s ‘last, best chance’ to limit global temperature rises caused by rising emissions and worsening climate change. What will the WI be doing at COP26? The WI will be at COP26 to make sure decision-makers know that […]

Net Zero: What Does It Mean?

We asked CFWI Climate Ambassador Pippa Stilwell to help us all understand exactly what Net Zero means. Here’s what she said: If you are following the progress of COP26, as I am, you may be confused by all the promises, pledges and targets that keep emerging. The UK was the first nation to commit to […]

Crantock WI’s Poppies are Back!

A few years ago Crantock WI member Salli Blackford started knitting poppies with other members, and this spread to a local craft group, then all over the country as visitors sent parcels of poppies in. Last year, Crantock WI felt that animals had not been represented, so the members covered a horse’s frame with purple […]

Food Safety Training

Now that WIs are getting back to regular meetings and to providing refreshments for members, perhaps it’s time to give some thought to food safety. Although CFWI cannot recommend any one training firm, there are lots out there who can provide good Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety training. Have a look online. Many of […]

County News Update

Just a quick note to say that the closing date for the February 2022 issue of County News has been changed to accommodate the Christmas office closing of our printer, Lance Print. To get your pieces in in time for publication in the February 2022 issue, please send them to no later than Tuesday […]

Shortlisted Resolutions, 2021-22

The five final shortlisted resolutions for 2021-22 have been published by NFWI. They are as follows: 1. Fit for purpose – fit for girls Girls’ clothing ranges often promote harmful gender stereotypes and can lack the practicality and robustness of boys’ clothing due to the differing design features and materials used. The NFWI calls on […]

New Board of Trustees and Officers, 2021-22

At a Special Meeting of the CFWI Board of Trustees today, officers for the 2021/22 year were elected. Helen Kestle of Crowlas and Ludgvan WI was elected Chair. Penny Picton of Illogan WI was elected Treasurer. Vice-Chairs are Jane Dover of Ladock WI and Pam Selley of Bodmin Gaolbirds WI. The rest of the Board […]

CFWI Annual Council Meeting 2021

Now that the dust has settled, we’ve had time to reflect on this year’s Annual Council Meeting. We don’t want to boast, but we do think it was one of the best Council meetings ever! And how wonderful it was to return to the beautiful new Hall for Cornwall after so long! We’ve been overwhelmed […]

Tregony WI Has a Go at Fruit Carving

On Thursday evening, Tregony WI welcomed Rico to their meeting to show them the art of fruit carving. Rico used to work on the QE2 and the group was so impressed with his skills. He did a demonstration and then let the members give it a go themselves. This sounds like great fun!