Many of the members of Crantock WI had passed the SUEZ Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre in the car or seen it on the horizon but never visited.
The visit started with an introduction to the layout and workings of the site, including safety requirements .The group also learned that nothing has to go to landfill now, and that bricks and electricity are products of the process. After this they were asked to don safety gear before starting the tour.
Everything is big and the amount of waste they handle equally so. The members were pleased to see how many women were employed on site. They watched a huge lorry containing four normal refuse lorry loads of rubbish back into a dumping bay and were surprised to see a petite woman jump down from the cab and ready the vehicle to discharge the load!
From there they toured the site, crossing high gantries and watching huge claws grab refuse ready to drop into a furnace. Everyone came away determined to recycle even more and encourage friends and family to do the same.