“All the Fun of the Fair!” was the theme for WI members at this year’s Stratton and Holsworthy Agricultural Show, and was chosen by the 2018 organising group from Marhamchurch.
Members from each of the five WIs taking part (Bude, Holsworthy, Jacobstow, Marhamchurch and Week St Mary) were able to choose to make nine items from a list of 12 from the categories of cookery, craft or miscellaneous.
Each WI group was allotted a table on which the various completed creations were impressively displayed, making it extremely difficult for the judges to make their decisions.
Valerie Wonnacott, President of Marhamchurch W, said, “Judging went very smoothly. They were very efficient but had a tough job this year”. The judges commented on the high standard of entries and were impressed with how each group had interpreted the same subject in such a different way.
Choosing the best individual item proved too difficult for the judges as seven WI members achieved maximum points required to win the Challenge Trophy. Two of the seven, Lesley Booker and Cilla Brown, were from Week St Mary.
These points, added to the groups’ final scores, resulted in a win for Week St Mary Bonaventures as they beat Marhamchurch by only half a point!
The Bonaventures received the Penhale Cup for most points and the Silver Rose Bowl for best display.
Members were delighted as this was only their third time entering the show.
This year’s entrants were, Ann Johnston (knitted clowns), Lesley Booke r(decorated balloons and “shy coconut”), Micheline Smith (fabric money bag), Cilla Brown (floral display), Marilyn Reynolds (decorated cake), Sue Isherwood (handmade sweets), Jeanette Taylor (sausage rolls) and Judith Taylor (decorated hat).
Sue Dyer, Week St Mary Treasurer, helped organise the team and co-ordinate the items.
Sue Dickenson, Week St Mary Bonaventures President said, “It wasn’t the easiest of displays to do. We wanted to choose things that were out of the ordinary and not too clichéd.” She added, “We really encouraged our members to think outside the box and they did just that. We all pulled together as a team – just like a good WI should – and created something to be proud of.”