A Great Get Together in Madron

In June, the women of Madron WI hosted a Great Get Together as part of a nationwide celebration of the fact that “we have more in common than divides us,” inspired by the beliefs of the murdered politician Jo Cox. Held in Landithy Hall, the event included craft demonstrations, advice on fire safety from local […]

Calling All Goldwork Embroiderers!

The NFWI Specialist Activities Committee is looking for a WI member to make an item of goldwork embroidery which will be mounted onto a card and sent to Buckingham Palace in celebration of the Queen’s 94th birthday in April 2020. For your reference, please see the guidelines giving further details of the requirements for the […]

Come and See What’s in Our Trolley!

It’s not too late to book your place on our latest ‘What’s In My Trolley’ cookery demonstration! Following their popular events last year, Alison and Pat will be holding two more cookery demonstrations this autumn. Pat will  be cooking some newer and more unusual items you might find in your supermarkets, and Alison will cook […]

Jersey WI Spring Holiday: 6th – 13th May 2020

Visit this lovely island with so much to offer, and attend the 75th anniversary of the Liberation Day. The price is £525 per person for a double or twin-bedded shared room (single £735) and includes guided visits to places of interest. Accommodation at the centrally located Mayfair Hotel is on a half-board basis, and travel […]

A Successful Garden Safari for Mawnan WI

The recent successful Garden Safari held in Mawnan Smith completely depended on the garden owners being willing to invite members of the public to view their wonderful efforts. In total 12 women (and some hard working men) were involved, and what a show they put on! There were small courtyard gardens, flower gardens and a […]

Pengegon WI Makes Use of Recycled Planters

Pengegon WI members Ann Bird (left) and Ann Haverly (right) are pictured planting up recycled water butt planters with over 100 spring bulbs and wild flower seeds to celebrate CFWI’s centenary. The two planters are in the patio garden at Pengegon Institute and are there for the enjoyment of all users of the hall.

2020 WI Subscription Rates

NFWI have announced the subscription rates for 2020 at £43. This represents a 60p increase to the WI share, a 20p increase to the Federation share and a 20p increase to the NFWI share. New members joining the WI in 2020 for the first time, or who have not previously been a member of any […]